Green Point Popular Attractions

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Popular Attractions in Green Point

1 Review
A fairly new addition to the city of Cape Town, Green Point Park is a beautiful park with a focus...
The Green Point Fan Walk will be lit as hundreds of people gather at the biggest street party in...

    Popular Attractions Near Green Point

    1 Review
    “Today when I look at Robben Island, I see it as a celebration of the struggle and a symbol of the...
    1 Review
    Right in the centre of Cape Town is one of the oldest public spaces in the Mother City. Greenmarket...
    1 Review
    Vibrant and hip Long Street is the main street to party or chill out in Cape Town’s trendy City...
    1 Review
    Get aerial and go up in the cableway for awesome panoramic views of Cape Town - the most...
    1 Review
    Head up Signal Hill to see the the oldest guns in daily use in the world! Cape Town’s oldest living...
    Jump on a big red bus and enjoy a lovely tour of Cape Town, hopping on and off at various...
    The multipurpose Green Point Urban Park functions as an inner city “people’s recreation park” for...
    Forming the ‘lion’s rump’ for the adjacent Lion’s Head, Signal Hill is a prominent attraction from...
    Coastal Kayak specializes in scenic guided ocean trips along the Atlantic Seaboard. Home to Kaskazi...
    Green Point Lighthouse is an eye-catching landmark in Mouille Point with its bold red and white...
    Experience a one-of-a-kind tour of the beautiful Cape in vintage World War II sidecars. A fleet of...
    The first of its kind in South Africa, the Wheel of Excellence is an exclusive attraction for the...
    Who is that dude with all those eggs on his head? Egg Man appears at Greenmarket Square come rain...
    Keeping a century-long tradition alive, the friendly Adderley Street flower sellers bring vibrancy...
    Slap bang in the middle of the city is a green oasis and what some locals only think of as a cool...
    Founded in 1825 and situated in the historic Company's Garden, the IZiko South African Museum is a...
    The Mother City's 'One-Stop-Shop of Creative Excellence' is situated between Table Mountain and...
    A unique combination of cultural and military history, exhibitions and military ceremonies awaits...
    Cape Town Tandem Paragliding offers tandem paragliding flights from the famous Lion's Head and...
    A long standing tradition in Cape Town is to climb Lion’s Head at full moon. The peak forms part...