Ashton Popular Attractions

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Popular Attractions in Ashton

Come join Farmerredbeard for a lovely time enjoying some great farm-related activities in a...

    Popular Attractions Near Ashton

    1 Review
    Start off your Saturday morning at the Montagu Village Market; a clear winner with the locals and...
    1 Review
    Diagonally opposite the 1838 Cape Dutch-style Oefeningshuis is the 'Moederkerk' – Swellendam's...
    1 Review
    The alluring fishing village with its humble cottages and unusual houses hugging the soft sand...
    1 Review
    Arniston, Waenhuiskrans or Kassiesbaai? In reality all three names apply to this multi-faceted gem...
    Montagu Rock Climbing offers guided climbing and abseiling in one of South Africa’s top climbing...
    A family run olive farm 16Km outside Montagu on the R62 to Barrydale. We take visitors on a short...
    Killarney Farm offers visitors 3 dams to fish, each stocked with big rainbow and brown...
    Bo Vlakte is about 2 hours away from Cape Town and just 22 km from Barrydale on the R62. This...
    Every Saturday morning between 10:00 and 12:00 Greyton's Market Square is abuzz with activity as...
    One dark autumn night in the beautiful Overberg town of Napier, three friends got together and...
    Barrydale Hand Weavers is a skills and job creation project. We train local people in the art of...
    Come and enjoy some beautiful fly fishing in a lovely farm and country-side setting. Located close...
    Known as the largest dam in the Cape area, Theewaterskloof Dam Sports Club is a great place to...
    Climb aboard Platanna for a ‘Wind in the Willows’ river adventure in Stanford. Named for the...
    The River Rat cruises up and down the beautiful Klein River in Stanford, just outside Hermanus....