Kingsburgh Popular Attractions

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Popular Attractions in Kingsburgh

Armani Day Spa and Wellness Clinic is situated in a lush garden in Winklespruit, 5 km south from...

    Popular Attractions Near Kingsburgh

    3 Reviews
    Saddle up for a leisurely beach stroll on horseback or be thrilled by a fast gallop if you have...
    Strike it lucky at Galaxy Bingo Gaming and Entertainment in Amanzimtoti. Bingo is easy to play and...
    Fasten your safety belt for the ride of your life in Amanzimtoti. Spin Zone offers an exhilarating...
    Way more than an average shot in the dark, Glow Mini Golf offers your family a cool golfing...
    Try your hand at racing, shooting, collecting, hitting and jumping to get the top score! Arcade...
    Dice, drag and zoom your way to smash the record on the track at Galleria Shopping Centre. Kids...
    Grab some retro shoes and bowling balls to strike it lucky at Super Bowls. On offer are an...
    Situated in Galleria Shopping Mall in Amanzimtoti, Galleria Ice Rink incorporates the latest...
    Brent Security and Bullet Trap Shooting Range are unique in that they have a "Shooting Range...
    Aliwal Shoal is regarded as one of the top diving spots in the world. Aliwal Dive Centre offers...
    Aliwal Shoal is rated as part of the top 10 in the world, offering something special for divers and...
    One of the most thrilling dives in Africa has to be with tiger sharks. Throw in numerous blacktip...
    Leave your shoes at the door and walk into a colourful Hindu sanctuary. The spacecraft-like...
    Scuba diving trips to the world renowned Aliwal Shoal. Daily Charters to a great selection of...
    Veda Wellness Sanctuary is the perfect place to relax and unwind while getting pampered in a...
    Sugar cane farming is an essential part of the agricultural sector of the Umdoni area. Factory...
    Africa’s oldest ultramarathon is a punishing 87km trek between Durban and Pietermaritzburg. The...
    Snorkel with sharks from the safety of a cage. Usually 5 to 20 sharks are seen during a dive....
    No Diving Experience Required " 5 - 20 Sharks on a dive, Talk on sharks and marine life, show shark...