Sunrise Hotel

About Sunrise Hotel
At the Sunrise Hotel, we offer our valued guests unparalleled personal service with uncompromising attention to detail.From the moment you arrive till the seconds before you depart, we will make your stay memorable. Our commitment to our guests’ satisfaction includes expert concierge services, luxurious in-room hotel amenities and a convenient location within a short distance of the airport.The hotel has a variety of rooms, and each is equipped with wireless internet, direct-dial phones and 24-channel satellite TV.Guests can dine at our coffee terrace restau
At our business center guests can access email, print, fax, photocopy, surf the net and catch up on the news. Please inquire for our conference packages.
Availability and Pricing
Select dates
Rates Calendar
Important Information
Payment Policy:
Room accounts are payable upon check in. Payment is acceptable in USD, Kshs and all Major Credit Cards
Please note:
Tariff is subject to alteration without notice
All prices are inclusive of taxes
Sunrise Hotel
- Airport Shuttle
- Satellite TV*
- Conference Venues
- Restaurant on Premises
Languages Spoken
- English
- KiSwahili
Sunrise Hotel location

*Distances are shown as the crow flies and not necessarily the actual travelling