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About Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Chihuahua

Guests dig the happy hour and Wi-Fi in the heart of the city at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Chihuahua. Wi-Fi kitchenettes lounges and cable TVs plus CD and DVD players are in all 74 air-conditioned rooms at this low-rise Holiday Inn. A workout in the 24-hour fitness room starts mornings off right. After a day finishing up work tasks in the business center guests can chill out with happy-hour refreshments Monday-Saturday evenings. The restaurant serves breakfast lunch dinner and limited room service. Rain or shine the hotel provides indoor/outdoor pools plus a hot tub and a sauna. Guests value the 24-hour laundry facilities and the complimentary on-site parking. The Holiday Inn is in Chihuahua less than two miles from a variety of popular sites including the Exhibition and Convention Center and the University Cultural Center Quinta Gameros. The hotel is within one mile of Plaza de Armas Square and 10 miles southwest of General Roberto Fierro Villalobos International Airport.

  • Type: Hotel
  • Sleeps: 20
  • Check-in: 14:00
    Check-out: 11:00


  • Laundry Facilities*
  • Swimming Pool
  • Gym
  • Jacuzzi/Hot-tub
  • Satellite TV*
  • Wi-Fi
  • Room Service
  • Air conditioning
  • Business Center
  • Iron and board
  • see more
* Please enquire for further details.

Important Information

Cancellation Policy:
No cancellations or refunds.

Availability and pricing

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Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Chihuahua Map

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Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Chihuahua is 1.4km from the centre of Chihuahua , the nearest airport 2067.6km (San Francisco International Airport).
*Distances are shown as the crow flies and not necessarily the actual travelling


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Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Chihuahua,Hotel,Chihuahua, Mexico, North America, Americas, World

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