Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge
About Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge
Directions by Road:Travelling by car Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge is located on the corner of Merrion and Simmonscourt road next to the RDS close to the City Centre. Travelling by bus:Bewleys Hotel Ballsbridge is serviced by the number 7 and number 45 bus routes. Travelling by DART (Dublin s train service) disembark at Sandymount station. Directions by Dublin Railway: Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge is a five minute walk from Sandymount Dart station. Head south down Sandymount Avenue to Merrion Road. Clayton Hotel is directly opposite on the corner of Merrion Road and Simmonscourt Road. Directions from Dublin Airport:Travelling by Aircoach to O Connell Street and then from O Connell Bridge by bus number 7. The Aircoach departs every 20 minutes between 04:30 and 12:30 then every hour between 12:30 and 04:30. Tickets can be purchased on the coach.
- Satellite TV*
- Wi-Fi
- Room Service
- Conference Venues
- Parking on Premises
- Breakfast
- Business Center
- Iron and board
- Lounge
- Safe
- Shuttle service
- see more
- Type: Hotel
- Sleeps: 20
- Check-in: 14:00 Check-out: 11:00
Important Information
Cancellation Policy:
No cancellations or refunds.
Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge Map
*Distances are shown as the crow flies and not necessarily the actual travelling