Central Drakensberg Popular Attractions

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Popular Attractions in Central Drakensberg

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Popular Attractions Near Central Drakensberg

1 Review
Fly like Tarzan on an authentic circus trapeze. Instructors take you step by step through taking...
1 Review
All Out Adventures offer over 100 km of well-marked mountain bike trails for all fitness and skill...
1 Review
The Nelson Mandela Memorial, at Madiba's Capture Site, marks the 50-year anniversary of what began...
1 Review
World renowned Ceramic Art Gallery owned by Fee Halsted
1 Review
The Northern Horse offers the experience of a lifetime in the Northern Drakensberg. Trusty mountain...
1 Review
Madiba fans and struggle history buffs all make their political pilgrimage to the Mandela Capture...
The Kramberg Valley trail is nestled in the foothills of the majestic Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park....
Pennygum Country Cottages offer rafting and tubing down the Umzimkulu River in season. Trips range...
Stormy Hill is Caroline's home on the edge of the Drakensberg escarpment where horses and hounds...
All Out Adventures offers a thrilling cable ride through scenic forest. Speeds of up to 60 km per...
Westline Aviation offer scenic helicopter flights in the Northern Drakensberg region. Flight...
Karkloof is home to the second largest, pristine indigenous forest in South Africa. Karkloof Canopy...
The legendary Mahatma Gandhi, among many other things, served with General Buller's relief forces...
Tick off the highest waterfall in Africa and the planet's second highest waterfall in the...