The small town of Bela Bela was previously known as Warmbaths – and for good reason. The town owes its existence to the immense hot spring that gushes to the surface at 53°C. There are a number of family resorts complete with waterslides, play parks and all the usual child-friendly facilities, some small game farms, and a range of wellness centres and spas.

As Bela Bela is about an hour’s drive from Pretoria and only a bit more from Johannesburg, its constant sunshine and a range of wellness facilities make this the perfect place to hide out for a while and recharge your batteries. But, if it’s relaxation you’re after, choose one of the less child-friendly resorts. You have been warned. And – in case you’re wondering – the new name means “water that boils on its own”.

Bela Bela (Warmbaths) Fun Rating

from 657 customer reviews
4 out of 5 stars!

Popular in Bela Bela (Warmbaths)

  • Swimming
  • Nature Reserve
  • Bird Watching
  • Hot Springs
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